Special Note:
Please note that this blog does not accept advertising in its main posting area. Your comment should be very brief about the topic (mainly pictures).
We do not accept articles here unless they're very brief (200 word count) and about the theme of this blog (My Love Nature) and (Beautiful Scene). Please take a look again at the description above. We do not accept other photos to be posted here too.
If you've got such article with this theme do post it right here. If you want to post about love, then do that at my
Fiction and Verse Section! No clicks should lead to porn, gambling, etc.. please.
Any posting that will not adhere to these terms will be deleted immediately without notice.
This blog runs between nature and art. It has that kind of feeling and awareness which endure us with magical rhythm to live in love and create it. We shouldn't be "impressionists" when we deal with others because of their names or colors.
Yours in Peace,,Love and Global Prosperity
Khalid Osman
My Love Nature!